Lauren’s Story
I am the mom of triplets, Austin, Brookelyn, and Blake, who were born in 2009. They were born almost 12 weeks prematurely, and because of that, they spent their first three months of life in the NICU at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. One of our sons, Austin, suffered severe bleeding in his brain right after birth, and underwent brain surgeries at 3 weeks and 7 weeks of age, all before he should have even been born. Because of the brain damage caused by the brain bleed, Austin has navigated a diagnosis of cerebral palsy since he was an infant.
First time holding all three babies together
Austin was 4 years old when he first participated in sessions at HUGS Ranch. During his first few sessions, Austin was very anxious and afraid of being around the horses, but his mentor and wranglers had the wisdom to realize this, and helped him become comfortable around his horse. They encouraged him, helped him feel safe, and met him where he was emotionally and physically. Austin was able to become comfortable being around his horse by painting on him!
Austin’s first session
After a few sessions, our son had gained enough trust in his mentor, wranglers, horse, and in himself to get on his horse’s back. Our other two children, Blake and Brookelyn, began coming to the Ranch when they were six years old. It has been such a joy to see how God has worked through the people and horses at H.U.G.S. Ranch to encourage our children, remind them that they are loved and valued by God, and help build their confidence and self-worth! This summer, Austin, Brookelyn, and Blake will begin volunteering at H.U.G.S. and will be able to give back to a place that is so dear to our hearts. We are so grateful for the amazing people and horses at H.U.G.S. Ranch for guiding our children, and reminding them of God's unique plan for their lives.
All three children with their mentors, wranglers, and horses