Our Stories
of Healing and Hope
“HUGS is a Refuge”
HUGS has provided her a space to find internal peace, bond with a mentor, pour energy into the animals, and boost her self-esteem. HUGS is a refuge where she finds love, support, and immense joy.
I am so grateful for HUGS Ranch
My daughter had an unexpected health scare that landed her in the hospital for almost a month. She struggled with hair loss and needed to use a wheelchair for a while. This led her to have anxiety, fear, anger, and depression. We knew we needed to get her help.
Xia’s Story
Dear HUGS Ranch Family,
Thanks for providing a safe space for my child, Xia. Words cannot begin to express our gratitude. To say that he has loved his experience would be a huge understatement.
Xia's HUGS Journey started in the fall of 2018.
Fall 2024 Newsletter
Have you HERD what’s going on at the Ranch? Read all about it in our Fall Newsletter!
Summer 2024 Newsletter
Explore the latest happenings at the ranch in our Summer 2024 newsletter! Discover the exciting updates and stories straight from the horse's mouth.
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Explore the latest happenings at the ranch in our Spring 2024 newsletter! Discover the exciting updates and stories straight from the horse's mouth.
Scott’s Story
We are deeply moved to share a poignant video that beautifully illustrates God’s ability to create “beauty from ashes.” Scott, one of our valued volunteers and an employee at Lumbermen's, left a profound impact on our ministry. After his sudden loss, Lumbermen's was moved to honor his memory by connecting with the ministry of the ranch.
God's Guidance
The story of H.U.G.S. Ranch is a testament to God's steadfast faithfulness and unwavering guidance. From humble beginnings, His divine hand has been ever-present, orchestrating each step along the way. Though challenges arose throughout the years, God's provision never faltered.
Lauren’s Story
I am the mom of triplets, Austin, Brookelyn, and Blake, who are now 14 years old. They were born almost 12 weeks prematurely, and because of that, they spent their first three months of life in the NICU at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital.
Lisa’s Story
H.U.G.S. Ranch (Hope, Understanding, Guidance, Support) began in 2006, when my children and I were going through a particularly tough time in our lives. My three young kids and I were living on the property that would eventually become H.U.G.S. Ranch, with horses of our own, each struggling in our own ways.
How H.U.G.S. Started
H.U.G.S. Ranch (Hope, Understanding, Guidance, Support) began in 2006, when my children and I were going through a particularly tough time in our lives. My three young kids and I were living on the property that would eventually become H.U.G.S. Ranch, with horses of our own, each struggling in our own ways.