God's Guidance

The story of H.U.G.S. Ranch is a testament to God's steadfast faithfulness and unwavering guidance. From humble beginnings, His divine hand has been ever-present, orchestrating each step along the way. Though challenges arose throughout the years, God's provision never faltered. Even in moments when resources seemed scarce, His timely blessings would arrive, such as the unexpected donation that provided the exact amount needed to buy food for our horses. This timeline chronicles the remarkable growth of our ministry, a journey made possible by the boundless grace of our Heavenly Father.


  • H.U.G.S. begins with Lisa and Lindsey's two horses, two volunteers, and Lisa Carter, Jill Glass, Tammi VanderMolen and Penny Molica as the original board members.


  • Jill and Lisa attend Crystal Peaks Youth Ranch information clinic.

  • Receives 501c3 nonprofit status.

·       The aisle in the barn gets cement. Before the cement, we had a real struggle with mud. Our boots would get stuck in the mud, and the horses didn't want to walk through it either.


  • Shell of the volunteer shed is donated.

  • Lisa and Lindsey volunteer at Crystal Peaks for a week.


Lisa feels exhausted and not sure if she should keep H.U.G.S. going. She prays for God to show her the way, and then a tornado strikes the ranch! Initially interpreting it as a sign to quit, Lisa realizes God has other plans.

·       The tornado knocks the goat barn off its foundation and topples many trees but the community rallies together to clear debris and rebuild.

    • A sign with the word "THANKFUL" is the only thing that remains standing in the arena, serving as a powerful symbol of God’s protection.

    • A beautiful rainbow graces the sky over the ranch after the tornado passes.

    • Bit of Hope, though trapped, is miraculously saved when a port-a-potty prevents the roof from falling on him.

    • Prior to the tornado, efforts to raise funds for an office building had fallen short, but donations from children and the community after the tornado facilitate the construction of the much-needed office/utility building.

  • Office/utility building construction begins, completed in 2017.

  • Jill and Lisa had been trying for years to raise funds for an indoor arena. Eventually, they decided to shift their focus to making the most of what they already had. Then, just a few months later, Larry and Judy Buist surprised Lisa with an incredible offer: they wanted to donate an indoor arena in memory of her Dad. Their friendship with Lisa’s family stretched all the way back to her dad’s elementary school days. Her Dad always stressed the importance of keeping God at the forefront of our lives.


  • Arena excavating begins in December.


  • Indoor arena is built in January.


Welcome Center is built in memory of Scott Taylor.

H.U.G.S. held 529 sessions and welcomed 147 children and 8 women through our gates. We are overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness!!


Scott’s Story


Lauren’s Story